How Protective Are Motorcycle Jeans?


If you ride a motorbike, the first thing that comes to your mind is safety. How protected will I be if I do have a crash or come off? This all comes down the the various types of protective gear you wear, however we are going to focus purely on how protective motorcycle jeans are? Biker Jeans jeans come in wide variety of designs and patterns.

The variety of designs makes them easy to choose based on the style aspect, however, you should really be looking into the quality of protection as the deciding factor when purchasing a suitable pair.

There are two types of protective clothing which are, long-term protective clothing or long-term protective gear that is designed to be worn over a period of time, is practical rather than stylish and is meant for maximum protection against both the weather elements as well as the road, if you do have the unfortunate luck to come off.  

On the other hand, there is short term  protective clothing – which is meant to be worn for a limited period of time or for an occasion, where you want to look chic. This type of protective gear is more suited for casual motorbiking around town, where comfort and style are important and less high risk riding is being deployed, hence a calculated risk to use less protective clothing – there is always a trade off when choosing your riding gear!

If you own a motorbike, it is important that you wear protective clothing as it can be the difference between avoiding serious injuries and ending up in hospital. Remember this when you decide to pop out for a short ride wearing your shorts rather than your proper biker jeans.

You need to make sure that your protection is adequate and durable. The right kind of protective clothing, should be durable and strong and carry all the safety verified labels.

A good quality protective clothing should be able to withstand both short and long term exposure to harsh weather conditions like cold, rain and extreme heat, without deteriorating over time. A sign of a good pair of pants is one that remains looking in great condition after many rides throughout the year in various conditions.

Style Is a Factor

The protective motorcycle jeans should come with a variety of stylish features. The jeans should be stretchable and comfortable while still looking cool. Denim is generally a pretty good look to wear on a bike and comes in such a wide range of colors these days, that will make you easily blend into the biker crowd.

There should be a variety of buckles and zips to make them easier to pull on and take off and also have enough give in them to make it easier for you to move around your bike. One key tip is to always order one size up when buying motorcycle pants, so you do have the flexibility to ride your bike without being restricted – especially important when leaning into corners or on long adventure trips where you are constantly on and off the bike either to take in sights or make stops for food and refreshments.

How to Wash Motorcycle Jeans

With the many different styles of biker clothing out there, the question on how to clean motorcycle jeans is asked often. While the answer is simple and easy, it still depends a lot on the type of denim . Here are some simple tips that may help you when washing your motorcycle jeans.

Depending on the style, the thickness of the fabric, and the additional protection layers, a new pair of denim jeans usually cost about a hundred dollars and up. So you want to take special care when putting them in the laundry. Denim can easily absorb water. Therefore, while you may think you can keep it clean by using a damp cloth, you may be surprised when the water begins soak in and does not actually remove dirt which is embedded.

When you wash your denim, make sure that you don’t use any type of bleach or detergent to clean your jeans. If you do, you will be see the damage has already been done. These chemicals are toxic and will decay the fabric, shortening the life of the biker jeans greatly.

The best way to clean your denim is to dry them off completely and then hand wash them in cold water. You should use a mild laundry detergent and leave the jeans in the machine for at least fifteen minutes. After they are done, you can throw them in the washer or hang them up to dry.

If you don’t have time to hang them up to dry, you can put them in the dryer at the highest setting, which will allow the jeans to dry completely. It may take a couple of days to dry, but this is still much faster than the traditional method of washing and drying them in the washing machine.

The other important part to remember when it comes to cleaning your motorcycle jeans, is to make sure that you don’t use too much detergent or bleach when cleaning. your jeans. As mentioned earlier, chemicals will not work well with denim and shorten its usable life.

Stay Cool & Safe

If you ride a motorcycle or if you want to look cool at the same time. So, wear your protective gear, make yourself feel stylish and get the protection that you need. It goes without saying, but you should also ensure that you have your helmet, goggles and other protective gear like jackets with them at all times, when you are biking.



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